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Answer the questions below to find out if you are open and ready for coaching. This is just a quick snapshot of where you are RIGHT NOW!

This can change at anytime, that is the beauty of the ever changing journey we call life. We have the option to make a decision or choice at anytime.

Keep track of how many A, B, C, D, or E's you get. Add them up at the end with the scale at the end of the quiz.

How Coachable Are You?

1. I enjoy learning and I'm open to other perspectives from people I trust.

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

3. I'm willing to step outside my comfortzone and take some risks in order to have the life or desire I want.

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

5. I'm willing to do the work to stop or change self-defeating behaviors that have been limiting my success.

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

7. I feel comfortable speaking open and honestly about my past, present, future desires, thoughts and feelings.

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

9. I take 100% responsibility for myself and my actions.

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

2. I'm able to keep my word without any struggle or self sabotage.

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

4. I'm willing to commit to trying new processes and coaching for at least 3 months to allow adequate time for shifts and change to occur.

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

6. If I feel I'm not getting what I need or expect from a coach, I feel comfortable communicating this to ensure I get what I need out of coaching. 

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

8. I can be relied upon to be on time for calls, appointments, and follow up work between appointments. 

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

10. I have adequate funds to pay for coaching and won't regret, suffer or be severely sacraficing something I need for the fee. I see coaching as a worthwhile investment in my life.

A. Not true

B. Mostly untrue

C. Somewhat true

D. Mostly true

E. True

Add up your points for each A, B, C, D, and E you selected.

A = 1 point     B = 2 points     C = 3 points     D = 4 points     E= 5 points

Once you have your score, find your result below!

Score between 10 - 20 points
Not so coachable at the moment.

Seems there may be some patterns, beliefs and habits that are pretty comfotable for you at the moment and you may not be willing to adjust at this time. Or, it may mean you have a lot on your plate and adding one more things might be too much and that's ok. This also means that if you ever become a little more open to coaching, it would benefit you the most. 

Score between  21 - 30 points
Coachable with clearly defined guidelines.

Coachable but definatly need to set boundaries, expectations and a regular cadence to stay qaccountable to the work that needs to be done in order to release you from what is currently holding you back from living the life you want. Small changes and habits will make your life A LOT smoother. You can definatley handle it!

Score between  31 - 40 points

A lot of people fall in this category because they have obersved others, evaluating what they are doing, which makes them reflect on their life. You've already been working on figuring out what works for you and what doesn't. You have burning goals and desires. You're eager, ready and willing to dig in and do the work. You may know there are going to be times when it isn't all fun and games but you know it will be worth it in the end, this is where a coach can help to highlight, give tools and help you stick to it! 

Score between  41 - 50 points
Very Coachable

You are ready to roll up sleeves, dig in deeper than ever before, be accountable, and are open to recieving feedback from the honest observation of others who can see you from a non-bias perspective. You are thirsty to add life skills to your tool box and get moving towards your goals and desires. The work doesn't scare you and you are so over repeating the same previous patterns in your life. 'Let's go' is your motto. Time to level up!

So, are you ready to make your life more successful and have a lot more fun?
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